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Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 32, July 13th, 2018
Supporting human capital development contributes to the social and economic development and to long-term stability in countries.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, and Serbia, agree that high-quality training requires teachers that are trained throughout their career.
A Teacher Network
The countries launched on Thursday, June 28th, 2018, in Belgrade a Network to address teacher development in the region: a permanent working table where, with the support of the EU’s agency European Training Foundation (ETF), members will share knowledge and address challenges and opportunities together.
Cesare Onestini, ETF Director, said:
“Teachers are of vital importance for continued educational progress, investing in teachers skills is an investment in the future. As the EU agency working in external relations through education reforms, we are keen in supporting Ministries and teacher development agencies from South East Europe to improve the quality of teaching for the benefit of citizens across the region”.
As a recent ETF report on the continuous professional development of teachers highlights, countries differ in terms of quantity and quality of the training offers and this sets a benchmark for improvement. More specifically: an effective and competent public authority should set a realistic strategy to drive professional development; stakeholders and social partners should be more widely involved in policy-making; quality of training is to be ensured by relevant accreditation bodies; incentives such as funding and reduced bureaucracy costs should be in place to increase the quantity and quality of training providers. Moreover, the continuous professional development needs to be closer to the daily practice of teaching in schools.
The European Training Foundation (EFT) is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labor market systems, and in the context of the EU’s external relations policy.
During the Network launch, representatives from Ministries of education and teacher training agencies and vocational education centers explored common challenges and discussed how collaboration could help to generate solutions. Among the key areas for joint action, participants identified the following:
- Sharing updates on recent developments;
- Exchanging expertise and good practices;
- Sharing resources and training or study visits.
The Network
The Network launch is supported by the European Training Foundation, the only EU agency working in external relations through the reform education and training systems in the EU neighborhood. By supporting human capital development, the ETF contributes to the social and economic development and to long-term stability in countries surrounding the EU.
Original source: ETF
Published on 28 June 2018
Picture: Christina Morillo
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